ICAO - Basic Substance Classification
Part 2 - ICAO'ng Drill & Practice
Substance Classification (ICAO) Drill & Practice
As "Citizens of Science," when given a substance—ICAO on it—giving it specific substance identifiers as described in the previous video (click here).
Please be mindful of the following when ICAO'ng:
- Use the scientific method and specifics to help identify substances as one of the SIX possible substance types: ionic, covalent, acid, organic, anion or cation (ICAO).
- Don't prejudge or make assumputions about any substances, in other words, "never judge a book by its cover."
- Gathering additional facts—both physical & chemical properties— may be required to accurately and precisely identify a substance's type. Do this by looking up in the substance in the literature, and by having reasonable dialogues within our community of Citizens of Science.
Believe it our not, your already some what of an expert at ICAO'ng, but let's get some practice.
Identify and record into your notes substance type (ICAO) for each substance in drop down box drill & practice below: