Molecular and Nonmolecular Properties of Substances

Please watch all tutorials over the following topics:
  • Molecular Polarity: Polar Molecules versus Nonpolar Molecules
  • Intermolecular Physical Attractions between Molecules
  • Molecular versus Nonmolecular Substances
  • Chemical Union versus Physical Attractions

After watching these tutorials, students should be able to:

  • compare and contrast the physical similarities and differences between each substance type listed above, and
  • identify how chemical unions and physical attractions affect the physical properties (melting point and boling point) of matter.

The content expressed here and on the following pages—after pressing 'Next'—do not presume to cover all aspects of molecular and nonmolecular properties of substances. Students are strongly encourage to be engaged in reading their lecture textbook as they prepare their self-directed study guide over molecular and nonmolecular properties of substances while being engaged in optional content—supplemental materials, tutorials, videos, powerpoints, PDFs & drill and practices—associated with these directions and presented in these linked resources.

  • Please click the 'Next' button to continue the learning process.
Click "Next" in "adopting elemental steps for incremental success," That's Incredimental!!