Chemical Synthesis & Techniques for the Physical Separation of Mixtures

"Chemically Synthesizing" and " Physically Separating" is what we do as chemists.

Maybe as a Citizens of Science you are having similar thoughts.

As Citizens of Science in completing this course activity, will be experiencing a chemical synthesis and learning about physical separation techniques used to isolate a targeted substance, and to demonstrate the concept of better living through chemistry.

This prelab is intended in guiding you through the chemical synthesis and physical separation process in helping you:

  1. to observe important safeties during our experiment so we work safely,
  2. to write out the main chemical synthetic reaction (the submarine reaction) in today's synthesis,
  3. to practice 'comprehension through picturing' by drawing the physical separation process by flowcharting,
  4. to consider our sandy salty egos here in San Diego which foster economic development, and
  5. to re-learn special aspects of the hydrologic cycle (a lifelong physical separation process)
  6. COMPLETE the worksheet contained within in this prelab and turn it in when we turn in this course activity.

Your are responsible for all laboratory textbook and content—tutorials, videos, powerpoints, PDFs & drill and practices—presented in these linked resources associated with these directions. Please click the 'Next' button to continue the learning process.

Click "Next" in "adopting elemental steps for incremental success," That's Incredimental!!