FAQ's (frequently asked questions) for CHEM100 Online Lecture
1. Can I please have an add code?
CHEM100 has a laboratory corequisite.   You'll need to take laboratory concurrently with lecture.

IMPORTANT: There is a CHEM100L laboratory corequisite which is STRICTLY enforced within our District. As you may know, the Chemistry Department has decided to drop students who are not concurrently enrolled in, or have not successfully completed the required co-requisite course. Please be mindful of this requirement. If students process add codes and are NOT in the required co-requisite course, or have not previously completed it, they will be dropped by census. This includes students who are currently waitlisted in the co-requisites who do not add the required co-requisite class by the add deadline. NOTE: There is an online lab at Miramar (my sister college), however, it is not advisable to take lecture and lab at two separate institutions because our laboratory schedules would be different; the online laboratory schedule at Mesa is very different from our laboratory schedule at Miramar.

During the first two weeks of school, try to enroll into CHEM100L laboratory by attending lab and asking a laboratory instructor to give you an add code.  Have patience.  Several students will be doing the same thing. You may have to attend multiple sections just to get into lab.  This will take some work on your part, but if you are persistent you are very likely to enroll.

IMPORTANT: BE SURE TO ATTEND any laboratory section to hear the safety talk during the first week. Get proof from the instructor you did by having them sign the attached form (click here). Do not miss the safety talk during the first week.

Please check the online schedule of classes for the laboratory schedule. The lecture and laboratory schedules for CHEM100 and CHEM100L can be accessed at the URL below.


Once you have enrolled in laboratory and paid your fees, come to my office with proof of enrollment, I will give you an add code for my CHEM100 online if I have room. 

Be sure you add a lab section or you will be dropped. 

Have patience, odds are you'll find a lab section within the first two weeks.

2. Are there any alternate textbooks I can use for this course? 

The answer there are alternate textbooks one can use for the course but you may be at a disadvantage if you don't have the required textbook. This is because I will reference information from the required textbook. (click here for list of textbook alternates) The required textbook is on two-hour reserve in our Mesa College Library.

IF YOU ARE NEED OF the textbook, I have several students from last semester willing to sell you your course materials.  Just let me know if you are interested and I will put you in contact with them.

3. The bookstore has a combined text (two books). Can I only buy one? 

Required textbooks:

(click here)

Purchase Textbooks Online at the SDCCD Online Bookstore (click here)

4. Do you have the book on reserve in the library?  Yes, I have placed two copies of Timberlake, K. Basic Chemistry, on two-hour reserve in our San Diego Mesa College Library. 
5. I have already completed CHEM100L laboratory with a grade of "C"or better. Do I need to take laboratory again?

No, you do not have to need to take laboratory again if you have passed the CHEM100L laboratory corequisite.

If you provide me proof you have completed the laboratory corequisite, then I will give you an add code for CHEM100 online. You can do this by scanning in your transcript into your computer or by going to e-Grades to obtain a copy of your transcript, then by E-mailing it to me.

6. You haven't responded to my e-mails, what is up?  If I don't respond to your your e-mails in a timely fashion, then there is a problem with me receiving your e-mails. If this happens, please call me by phone 619-388-2609.

Sometimes I don't get your e-mails for the following reason. For example, some hotmail and other e-mail accounts are black-listed meaning your e-mails to me are being flagged as SPAM and my computer will not allow me to receive them. 

7. Is it ok that I am taking this class and 100L with another instructor? I don't want to
be dropped so I hope that's not a problem.

It is best to take the CHEM100 and 100L at the same institution. Here at Mesa all instructors follow the same laboratory schedule. Our laboratory schedule follows the lecture schedule very closely. Since our instructors follow the same laboratory schedule, thus, lecture and laboratory courses can be taken by different instructors at Mesa.

If CHEM100 and CHEM100L are taken concurrently but at different institutions, you may be at slight disadvantage because laboratory schedules and experiments may vary from Mesa's lecture schedule of topics.

8. Do a lot of students drop your online course? A 30% attrition (drop in attendance) is what I generally observe. Other instructors who teach online have told me they have about the same attrition.
9. Do I need to attend any on campus sessions? No, you are not required to attend any on campus sessions for the online lecture. This is strictly an online course.
10. Are there any mandatory classes that we need to attend? No, you are not required to attend any on campus sessions for the online lecture. This is strictly an online course.
11. How many hours a week should I spend online in Blackboard for this course? My best answer is there is a minimum of three hours a week to a maximum of "what ever it takes to learn the material."
12. I am on a wait list. Do you notify me if my wait list status changes? No, if you are wait listed the college will not notify you if your wait listed status changes. For those on a wait list during the first week of class, try to enroll into the laboratory corequisite by attending the first meeting for laboratory and asking the laboratory instructor to add you to the lab. Then once you have enrolled into the laboratory corequisite, I will then add you to lecture.

IMPORTANT: BE SURE TO ATTEND any laboratory section to hear the safety talk during the first week. Get proof from the instructor you did by having them sign the attached form (click here). Do not miss the safety talk during the first week.

Please check the online schedule of classes for the laboratory schedule. The lecture and laboratory schedules for CHEM100 and CHEM100L can be accessed at the URL below.


13. With internet classes, are you required to log in at certain
times and days?
You are not required to be online at any particular time for my online lecture course. You are generally given a window of opportunity to complete assignments; usually two days.
14. I am required to come to campus to take any exams and/or to meet with the instructor? No, you are not required to meet with me for any reason at anytime. Of course if you like to stop by during my office hours to introduce yourself in person, that would be very nice.
15. What is the difference between Chemistry 152&152L and Chemistry 100&100L ?

Please print the following comments. chem100_vs_152.pdf

The college catalog descriptions for each course are also available. (click here)

16. I am on the waiting list for your online Chemistry course. Can you tell me what to do next?

If you are the wait list,

1) read the answer to FAQ 1 at the top of this page, then

2) go to my introduction page to start working on the first few assignments (click here)


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