Matter - Its Organization & Classification

Part 1 - Picturing, Imagery & Making Empirical Observations

How do chemists physically and chemically go about their job of organizing and classifying matter?

Chemists look at matter's composition, form and structure deciding how and if it can be physically separated and chemically changed.

  • Generally, as chemists & Citizens of Science, our approach to understanding matter begins by listing all physical observations on the system being observed.
  • Believe it or not, in some ways we are already trained to think like a chemist since we make physical & empirical observations everyday.
  • It's okay to use your imagination. There is NO Comprehension without PICTURING and in this course we'll be drawing lots of pictures, and your comprehension& critical analysis will at times be assessed as to whether you comprehend the picturing & imagery learned in our course.

Let's make some general statements about the imagery on a handout linked below.

Comprehension with PICTURING

an atom versus a molecule

(s) = solid; (l) = liquid; (g) = gas

NOTE: hyperlinks in PDFs may or not work and/or appear when viewing the handout from a phone, ipad or tablet. Always work from a reliable computer.


  • <=== roll your mouse cursor over this picture shown on the left to view "Physical vs Chemical Empirical Observations" handout.
  • The goal of the handout is to help us comprehend the differences between physical state (s,l,g) and the chemical differences between an atom & molecule through picturing.
  • Working from a reliable computer, the handout is available (click here) and will open in new window as a "Drill & Practice."
  • This a very important handout, be sure to study all that is on this handout
  • For the images on the handout, see if you can identify physical state (s,l,g) recognizing the difference between an atom & molecule, and physical and chemical change.
    • Hypothesize why there are different spatial orientations and representations being shown for each type of physical state: solid, liquid & gas?
  • Using the handout as a "Drill & Practice"
    • Click back and forth between the questions and answers to get a better sense for the differences between physical and chemical properties.
  • Prepare of list of physical terms (i.e., boil) and a list of chemical terms (i.e., decompose) for each transformation.

Prepare a list of empirical observations about what you are observing on the handout. This will give you additional practice recording physical observations. Then mentally answer the following questions:

  • Can you summarize important physical and chemical ideas these images on the handout are representing?
  • Can our images be divided in to physical and chemical parts?
  • Are you able to compare and contrast any similarities and differences between physical and chemical ideas using the picturing, imagery and symbolism shown?
  • You are going to be assessed on whether you comprehend and understand the content on this page.
  • Please email me if you have any questions.
  • Then, press the 'Next' button below to continue the learning process.

(finger or mouse scroll to the top of the page)