Instructor Contact Information

CRN 69413
Fully Online

Course Specific Information (click here)

Dr. Dwayne Gergens
San Diego Mesa College, 7250 Mesa College Dr, K108B, San Diego, CA 92111

Phone: (619)388-2609 FAX: (619)388-2677

COMPLETE ME: Online Readiness Assessment (click here)

SPECIAL STUDENT Services: (click here)

Login Procedures: (click here)

Students on the waitlist should contact the instructor by e-mail only.

Textbook and Course Material Requirements

Required textbooks:

CRN 69413 (click here)

Purchase Textbooks Online at the SDCCD Online Bookstore (click here)

Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware and Software:
To successfully complete this online course, you will be required to meet the minimum hardware and software requirements. View Hardware and Software Requirements (click here).

Internet Browser:
You must use a supported internet browser in order to successfully work in Blackboard, the online course management system for this course. To see a list of supported Internet browsers, (click here).

Technical Support Center:
SDCCD-Online Learning Pathways Technical Support Center for distance education (click here).

Course Description

Class Schedule Details & Important Dates (click here)

Course Title, Hours per Week, & Units

Fundamentals of Chemistry - Chemistry 100: 3 hours/week; 3.0 units

Catalog Course Description: This course is an introductory study of the language and tools of chemistry. Basic concepts of the structure,properties,interactions and changes of matter and energy are studied,both qualitatively and quantitatively. Applications to everyday experiences are considered. This course is taken by students majoring in nursing or allied health sciences and provides a foundation for further coursework in
chemistry. Completion of Chemistry 100 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better is a prerequisite for Chemistry 130. Please read through the most current issue of the San Diego Mesa Catalog (click here) for general information about the college.

MATH 046 with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent, or assessment Skill Level M40.

Corequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 100L with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent.

Advisory: ENGL 049 and ENGL 048, each with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent, or assessment Skill Levels W5/R5.

Course Objectives

Student Learning Outcomes - Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Use appropriate vocabulary to explain the steps involved in the scientific method.

2. Compare and contrast the properties of the states of matter, classify matter and explain how it can be altered through chemical and physical changes, and describe how matter and energy interact.

3. Use scientific notation to express very large and very small numbers and represent measured and calculated quantities to the correct number of significant figures.

4. Use English, metric, and SI units to express measurements of length, volume, mass, and density and perform unit conversions using dimensional analysis.

5. Explain key concepts, models, and experiments leading to the development of atomic theory.

6. Applying the concepts of modern atomic theory, write the electron configurations of the first twenty elements on the periodic table.

7. Use the periodic table of the elements to identify metals, nonmetals, metalloids, groups, periods, atomic numbers and atomic masses and explain periodic trends in the properties of the elements.

8. Name and write chemical formulae for binary covalent compounds, simple ionic compounds and acids, and derive quantitative information from the formulae.

9. Describe the effects of bond type and molecular polarity on interparticle forces and the properties of substances.

10. Classify chemical reactions and write balanced chemical equations to express those reactions, including molecular, total ionic, and net ionic equations.

11. Use the mole concept and Avogadro's number to perform mole and stoichiometric calculations, including limiting reagent and percent yield problems.

12. Employ Boyle's Law and Charles' Law to study the relationships among pressure, volume, and temperature of gases, and use the kinetic molecular theory to explain these relationships.

13. Explain the factors that affect the formation of solutions and perform concentration calculations, including dilution and solution preparation problems.

14. Describe the properties of acids and bases and compare and contrast the Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry definitions of acids and bases.

15. Explain the concept of equilibrium and apply it to explain the difference between strong and weak electrolytes and between strong and weak acids and bases.

16. Relate pH to hydrogen/hydronium ion and hydroxide ion concentrations and perform pH calculations for strong acids and bases.

18. Apply concepts regarding the structure of the nucleus to explain principles of isotopes, nuclear stability, and nuclear reactions.

Instructor Expectations

Hello and welcome to CHEM100. This is a fully-online course offered through San Diego Mesa College. In this course you will use chemical concepts to better understand the world in which we live.

It is entirely YOUR responsibility to know how to use your computer and Blackboard effectively. The rigor of this course is the same as an on-campus course, with the added responsibility of successfully navigating through the online material, technology requirements and troubleshooting, and effectively using Blackboard functions to complete the course requirements. (click here for more formation)

It is your responsibility to read through the syllabus which will be available on the first day of class. You will be tested on its content.

You will need to structure your own schedule so you are able to complete the assignments and requirements of the class BY THE POSTED DUE DATES.

Attendance/Performance: Students in my courses make better grades when they regularly attend class and/or participate online. Although traditional roll is not called, keep in mind that the exercises (assignments) and exams are scheduled at a certain date and time/due date. You are responsible for accessing and completing all activities within a specific availability period and before their due date. Refer to the Blackboard calendar and/or syllabus (dates attached) to make sure you have no conflicts. It is a student's responsibility to withdraw if he/she is unable to continue in attendance, but a student in poor attendance, meaning lack of regular and consistent attendance (2 absences-for example, two missed activities and/or two more weeks of non participation online occurrences) in or before the 10th week or equivalent may be dropped by the professor. By district policy, you may be dropped from class if you miss the first day.

You will rely heavily upon your OWN study and effective time management skills. You must also be adept at FOLLOWING WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS.

Your grade in this course will be based on evaluation methods outlined in the syllabus which includes but is not limited to quizzes, exams, homework and online class participation. Upon completion of this course, I hope that you will realize that "Chemistry is Universal" and plays a vital role in our quality of life. I will provide you with the tools you need to be successful in this class. You are responsible for working diligently and honestly. If you have any questions concerning this class or your performance, please do not hesitate to contact me (click here). Your feedback and questions are most appreciated.

Students are expected to have completed the Online Readiness Assessment (click here) before enrolling in this course, and have read through the course description (click here)

Application and Registration Information


As you may know, the Chemistry Department has decided to drop students who are not concurrently enrolled in, or have not successfully completed the required co-requisite course. Please be mindful of this registration requirement. If students process add codes and are NOT in the required co-requisite course, or have not previously completed it, they will be dropped by census. This includes students who are currently waitlisted in the co-requisites who do not add the required co-requisite class by the add deadline.

  1. Complete Online Application (for new SDCCD students). Go to Student Web Services
  2. Receive registration appointment and instructions by email or mail.
  3. Register online at the Reg-e, our online registration system.
  4. Make sure that you pay your tuition so that you don't lose your registration!
    Tuition and Fees Information.
  5. Order textbooks online. Visit our online bookstore.

6.  After completion of registration on Reg-e, and several days prior to the start of the semester, you will receive an email with course login instructions. If you don't receive an email please go to and login on the first day of class as follows:

Type your Blackboard Username = 7-digit College Student Identification (CSID) number
Type your Password =  mmddyyyy (birth date with no hyphens, slashes, or spaces)
For example:  1010101 (CSID number used at registration)
                          06231980 (password for birth date June 23, 1980) 

  1.  If this course is closed, please login to Reg-e to be placed on a waitlist. If the waitlist is full, you will not be able to add your name to the waitlist.

  2. Students on waitlist should contact the instructor by e-mail only;

You will not be able to login to your online course until the first day of the semester at which time you will be able to access the course syllabus !!! Your must login to your online course on the first day of the session to avoid your enrollment being dropped. Follow the login instructions at: (click here)

Course Schedule:
The SDCCD course schedule is also available on the Internet at: (click here)

Online Learning Readiness Assessment

• Take the time to explore SDCCD-Online’s support for distance education, and to find out if you have the technical and student skills necessary to succeed with online learning, take the Online Learning Readiness Assessment (click here).
• Take the Online Readiness Assessment quiz, tune up your browser, check hardware and software requirements, gain access to tutorials and much more.
•Please carefully read the "Course Specific Information" below.

Course Specific Information

The CHEM100L Laboratory Corequisite will be STRICITLY ENFORCED

As you may know, the Chemistry Department has decided to drop students who are not concurrently enrolled in, or have not successfully completed the required co-requisite course. Please be mindful of this requirement when giving students add codes. If students process add codes and are NOT in the required co-requisite course, or have not previously completed it, they will be dropped by census. This includes students who are currently waitlisted in the co-requisites who do not add the required co-requisite class by the add deadline.

There are NO mandatory meetings on campus for my CHEM100 fully online course.

FAQ (frequently asked questions) about this course (click here)




COURSE TEXTBOOK (click here)


Students should access their ability to succeed with online learning before enrolling in this course by completing the Online Readiness Assessment. Online Readiness Assessment (click here)


Orientation (optional) will cover how to login to Blackboard, navigating in Blackboard, technology requirements and troubleshooting, sample online course, strategies for success in an online course. Please attend one of these optional orientations for help and information about online courses. (click here for more information)


Students who feel they need additional training and help in the usage of Blackboard should immediately contact SDCCD-Online Learning Pathways Technical Support Center for distance education (click here).



You will not be able to login to your online course until the first day of the semester at which time you will be able to access the course syllabus and take the syllabus quiz. You must login to your online course on the first day of the session to avoid your enrollment being dropped. Follow the login instructions (click here).