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Martial arts training in this course emphasizes the fundamentals of martial arts, including martial arts safety skills & etiquette; punches, blocks, strikes, kicks, stances, vital points, tournament terminology, numbers; kata & forms (Poomse); and physical fitness in terms of strength, stamina, flexibility and movement coordination. Stress is placed on kick/strike analysis, flexibility, conditioning and endurance in the progression of the class. Students must demonstrate increased proficiency and skill attainment with each repetition.

korean flag

philippine flag

okinawan flag
The training schedule is tentative and may be changed without prior notice. It just provides a guideline for the topic of each week's training.

WEEK 01:
Introduction to course, self defense ranges, conditioning.
Stances (Horse Ridding)
Basic Punches (Double, Triple, low/middle/high)
Basic Kicks (Front-Snap)
Fitness Pre-Test

WEEK 01:
WEEK 02: Tae Kwon Do
Stances (Attention, Ready, Horse)
Basic Punches (Tiger's Mouth, Spearhand, Ridgehand)
Basic Strikes (Rising Elbow, Cross Elbow)
Basic Kicks (Front-Push, Straight Leg, Round)
Hand & Foot Combinations

WEEK 02: Arnis de Mano
Overview of Philippine Martial Arts
Basic Grip, Ranges, Stances
Basic Strikes (Angles 1-6)

WEEK 03: Tae Kwon Do
Stances (Cat/Tiger)
Basic Punches (Double, low/middle/high)
Basic Kicks
(Front-Push, Round, Straight Leg, Outside Crescent, Rear Push, Side, Stepping Side)
Basic Blocks (low, middle, high)
Hand & Foot Combinations

Basic Form: Introduction to Keecho Poomse Ilboo

WEEK 03: Arnis de Mano
Basic Strikes (Angles 1-6)
Offensive Footwork
WEEK 04: Tae Kwon Do
Ground defense skills and proper falling
Breakfalls (front, back, side)

Hand & foot Combinations Review
Basic Form (Keecho Poomse Illboo)

Basic Defenses and takedowns
Ground defense skills and proper falling

WEEK 04: Arnis de Mano
Basic Strikes (Angles 1-6)
Basic Blocks (Angles 1-6)
Defensive Footwork
Block, Check Drill

WEEK 05: Hapkido
Basic Defenses and takedowns
Ground defense skills and proper falling

Tae Kwon Do
Basic Form: Introduction to Keecho Poomse Ilboo

WEEK 05: Arnis de Mano
Basic Strikes (Angles 1-6)
Basic Blocks (Angles 1-6)
Defensive Footwork
Block, Check, 1-Counter Drill

3-Counters (angles 1-3)

WEEK 06: Tae Kwon Do
Hand & foot Combinations Review
Advanced Kicks (jumping, spinning hook, tornado)
Basic Form (Keecho Poomse Illboo)

Basic Defenses and Takedowns

WEEK 06: Arnis de Mano
Basic Strikes (Angles 1-6)
Basic Blocks (Angles 1-6)
Defensive Footwork
Block, Check, 3-Counter Drill
WEEK 07: Tae Kwon Do
Contact sparring,
Fitness post-test,
Performance Exam
WEEK 07: Skills Review
Arnis de Mano
Strikes (Angles 1-6)
Blocks (Angles 1-6)
Counters (Angles 1-6)

WEEK 08:
Performance Exam

WEEK 08:
Performance Exam

the way is in the training repetition is the mother of all skills if at first you dont succeed
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