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This course teaches a variety of martial arts styles to train students in self defense and martial arts. The main martial arts styles taught are: Tae Kwon Do & Hapkido (Korean martial arts); Arnis de Mano & Mano-Mano (Philippine martial arts); with elements of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do.

These videos are optional and are not required to complete the course. They are suggested videos to share with students to enhance and expand the student experience in exploring the EXSC 148 - Martial Arts course.

korean flag

philippine flag

okinawan flag

tae kwon do

Taekwondo & Hapkido


Arnis - Eskrima - Kali

okinawan goju ryu

Okinawan Goju Ryu

Content in these videos does not reflect the views or opinions of the San Diego Community College District, SD City College, or SD Mesa College.

The SDCCD, SD City College, SD Mesa College, EXSC 148 - Martial Arts instructors; or those who participated in the making of these videos DOES NOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABLITY that comes from any use of this material or injury from attempting the techniques shown in the videos.

Consult with your physician before engaging in any exercise. All material including videos, techniques and concepts must be practiced directly under the supervision and instruction of a certified martial arts instructor. USE COMMON SENSE.

The information shown in these videos are for instructional use.