Chemistry 100 Lecture PowerPoints  updated 2-18-2022


Periodic Table_______________________________________________________________________________________

a. A periodic table for you enjoyment    pdf. format
b. Periodic Table and Ion Names           pdf.format

Matter and Its Classification____________________________________________________________________________
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a. Matter First Day of Class  Chemical and Engineering News Covers       pdf.format

b. Study Guide

Scientific Method (How to go about doing science)__________________________________________________________
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a. The Scientific Method, Precision & Accuracy, the Control Experiment     pdf.format

Math Basic Skills - Working with Numbers_______________________________________________________________________________
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a. ACT'ng on Number     pdf.format

b. Measurements    pdf.format

c. Dimensional Analysis     pdf.format
d. Density     pdf.format

Atoms and Elements - Fundamental Building Blocks__________________________________________________________
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a. The Periodic Table     pdf.format
b. Elements as Mixtures - Isotopes     pdf.format

Brief History of the Atom ____________________________________________________________________________________
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a. Atomic History & Introduction to Bohr's Model for determining the location of an electron     pdf.format

b. It is all_about_e-.ppt     pdf.format

Atomic Structure & Periodic Trends____________________________________________________________________________________
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a. Modern Atomic Orbital Theory and Electron Filling
     Quantum Wave Mechanical Descriptions for identifying the location of an electron     pdf.format
b. Periodic Trends     pdf.format
c. Introduction to Ions (atoms lose or gain electrons to achieve noble gas electron configuration)     pdf.format

Naming Compounds___________________________________________________________________________
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a. Introduction to Ions     pdf.format
b. Nomenclature     pdf.format

c. Ion Counter Ion     pdf.format

d. Sparklettes-Water     pdf.format

Nomenclature Tutorials
DrGergens Nomenclature Drill and Practice 

Bonding Models & Structure____________________________________________________________________
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a. Molecules and Covalent Compounds     pdf.format

b. Electrons Dot Structure for Monatomics & Bonding in Nonmetal Hydrides     pdf.format

c. Geometry and VSEPR Model     pdf.format
d. Lewis Dot Structure Rules and Examples     pdf.format
e. Bond & Molecular Polarity     pdf.format
f. Visuals of Ionic Structures and Acids (Ion, Counter Ion - Ionic Salts & Acids)      pdf.format

The Mole___________________________________________________________________________________
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a. Counting in Chemistry     pdf.format

b. Empirical Formula Calculation and Percentage Composition      silent movie MOV.format

Chemical Reactions___________________________________________________________________________
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a. Balancing     pdf.format
b. Concept Map of Reaction Types and Balancing reaction type_ppt       pdf.format
c. REDOX reaction of  Fe + Cl2  ----->  FeCl2    What reactant got oxidized? What reactant got reduced?      pdf.format
d. Battery Demo Electrolysis     pdf.format
e. Counting Atoms, the Mole, Grams to Mole Amounts and Mole Amounts to Grams     pdf.format
f. Stoichiometry      pdf.format

Physical Structure__________________________________________________________________________
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a. Chemical (union "marriage" between atoms)     pdf.format
     Physical Bonding (molecular attractions - too shy, dating, or engaged to be married)
b. Nonbonding ||||||||||||| Attractions between Molecules - Intermolecular Forces     pdf.format
c. Nonbonding Forces & Physical Properties     pdf.format

Properties of Solutions______________________________________________________________________
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a. Solubility & Solutions      pdf.format

Acids & Bases - Structure & Function______________________________________________________________________
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a. Acids-Bases      pdf format

Properties of Gases________________________________________________________________________
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a. Gases and Kinetic Molecular Theory Youtube Playlist