Biology 107 Reviews



Ecology Review Questions.

Ecology Videos

  1. What is the maximum number of steps in a food chain?
  2. What advantage is it to have a short food chain?
  3. What is a niche?
  4. Nitrogen fixing bacteria are associated with what plants?
  5. What do you call a group of similar organisms from the same locality?
  6. Name a source for atmospheric nitrogen.
  7. What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
  8. What do you call the place where an organism lives?
  9. What is a pyramid of numbers?
  10. What is weathering?
  11. Name the trophic levels and give an example of each.
  12. What is a food chain?
  13. What is a food web?
  14. What is the symbiotic relationship between a legume and its nitrogen fixing bacteria called?
  15. What is the symbiotic relationship between a termite and its cellulose eating protozoa called?
  16. What is the symbiotic relationship between a host and a natural parasite called?
  17. What was the big mistake made at Kaibab?
  18. Be able to identify the different age pyramids: stable, declining and expanding population.
  19. What is the formula for biotic potential?
  20. What keeps a population from over reproducing?
  21. Name the seven stages of a sigmoid growth curve.
  22. What is the difference between a sigmoid growth curve and a "j” shaped growth curve?
  23. Name the three survivorship curves and what they represent.
  24. Name the six biological seasons and what happens in each.
  25. What kind of biological cycle is shown by grunion?
  26. Give an example of an inherent rhythm.
  27. What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
  28. Be able to identify the symbiotic relationships and know examples of each.
  29. What is a sere?
  30. What is a serial stage?
  31. What is a Disclimax?
  32. Can succession be controlled?
  33. What is an Ecotone?
  34. What is the "edge effect?"
  35. What is the species - numbers relationship?
  36. How does "layering" in a community allow it to become more stable?
  37. Name the useful kind of fire?
  38. How are redwoods affected by fire?
  39. Hygroscopic water is associated with what type of soils?
  40. What is an ecological indicator?
  41. Name some of the benefits of fire.
  42. What is Liebig's Law of the Minimum?
  43. What is Shelford's Law of Tolerance?
  44. How can a terrestrial poikilotherrn regulate its body temperature?
  45. What are the sources of oxygen in water?
  46. What are the sources of carbon dioxide in water?
  47. In which soil horizon does mineralization take place?
  48. In which soil horizon is the bulk of organic life found?
  49. Which horizon indicates the productivity of that environment?
  50. Name the habitat (grassland, deciduous forest, coniferous forest) would have the thickest "A" horizon?
  51. Which habitat (grassland, deciduous forest, coniferous forest) should not be used for agriculture do to its fragile nature?
  52. What are the qualities of light that make it a Limiting factor?
  53. What are some of the benefits gained from the light duration studies?
  54. What are the properties of water and their associated gas absorption values?
  55. What is the difference between an extrinsic and an intrinsic factor?
  56. Name an animal which migrates just to reproduce.
  57. What is the social structure in a "pecking order?"
  58. How does the social hierarchy help to stabilize a group of animals?
  59. How does territory influence the behavior of animals?
  60. What is the symbiotic relationship between the pronuba moth and the yucca plant?
  61. Give the correct sequence for nitrogen build up by soil bacteria in the soil starting with Urea (urine).
  62. Name the kind of decomposer one would find in the soil.
  63. What is known as Gause's principle?
  64. Name the three kinds of successional climaxes.
  65. Why are high temperature more damaging than low temperature to organisms?
  66. Light sensitive seeds show the greatest germination in what wavelength of light?
  67. What group of plants/algae have shown the effect of wavelength on their distribution?
  68. What is the relationship between temperature of the air and the amount of moisture it can hold?
  69. What are the effects of photoperiods on birds?
  70. How does photoperiod affect people?